[Data] GenderParty: X = Gender (Female/Male) and Y = Party (Democrat/Independent/Republican).

[Data] AfterLife : X = Gender (Female/Male) and Y = Belief (Yes/No).


[GenderParty - Code and Output]

data GenderParty;
  input Gender $ Party $ Count;
        Female   Democrat    762
        Female   Independent 327
        Female   Republican  468
        Male     Democrat    484
        Male     Independent 239
        Male     Republican  477
proc freq order=data data=GenderParty;
    weight Count;
    tables Gender*Party/expected deviation chisq cellchi2;
                            The FREQ Procedure

                         Table of Gender by Party

            Gender          Party

            Frequency      |
            Expected       |
            Deviation      |
            Cell Chi-Square|
            Percent        |
            Row Pct        |
            Col Pct        |Democrat|Independ|Republic|  Total
                    Female       |    762 |    327 |    468 |   1557
                           | 703.67 | 319.65 | 533.68 |
                           | 58.329 | 7.3547 | -65.68 |
                           |  4.835 | 0.1692 |  8.084 |
                           |  27.64 |  11.86 |  16.97 |  56.47
                           |  48.94 |  21.00 |  30.06 |
                           |  61.16 |  57.77 |  49.52 |
                    Male         |    484 |    239 |    477 |   1200
                           | 542.33 | 246.35 | 411.32 |
                           | -58.33 | -7.355 | 65.683 |
                           | 6.2734 | 0.2196 | 10.489 |
                           |  17.56 |   8.67 |  17.30 |  43.53
                           |  40.33 |  19.92 |  39.75 |
                           |  38.84 |  42.23 |  50.48 |
            Total              1246      566      945     2757
                              45.19    20.53    34.28   100.00

                  Statistics for Table of Gender by Party

          Statistic                     DF       Value      Prob
          Chi-Square                     2     30.0701    <.0001
          Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square    2     30.0167    <.0001
          Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Square     1     28.9797    <.0001
          Phi Coefficient                       0.1044          
          Contingency Coefficient               0.1039          
          Cramer's V                            0.1044          

                            Sample Size = 2757

[AfterLife - Code and Output]

data Afterlife;
  input Gender $ Belief $ Count;
        Female Yes   509
        Female No    116
        Male   Yes   398
        Male   No    104
proc freq order=data data=Afterlife;
    weight Count;
    tables Gender*Belief/expected deviation chisq cellchi2;
                            The FREQ Procedure

                         Table of Gender by Belief

                 Gender          Belief

                 Frequency      |
                 Expected       |
                 Deviation      |
                 Cell Chi-Square|
                 Percent        |
                 Row Pct        |
                 Col Pct        |Yes     |No      |  Total
                 Female         |    509 |    116 |    625
                                | 502.99 | 122.01 |
                                | 6.0053 | -6.005 |
                                | 0.0717 | 0.2956 |
                                |  45.16 |  10.29 |  55.46
                                |  81.44 |  18.56 |
                                |  56.12 |  52.73 |
                 Male           |    398 |    104 |    502
                                | 404.01 | 97.995 |
                                | -6.005 | 6.0053 |
                                | 0.0893 |  0.368 |
                                |  35.31 |   9.23 |  44.54
                                |  79.28 |  20.72 |
                                |  43.88 |  47.27 |
                 Total               907      220     1127
                                   80.48    19.52   100.00

                 Statistics for Table of Gender by Belief

          Statistic                     DF       Value      Prob
          Chi-Square                     1      0.8246    0.3638
          Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square    1      0.8224    0.3645
          Continuity Adj. Chi-Square     1      0.6930    0.4052
          Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Square     1      0.8238    0.3641
          Phi Coefficient                       0.0270          
          Contingency Coefficient               0.0270          
          Cramer's V                            0.0270          

                           Fisher's Exact Test
                    Cell (1,1) Frequency (F)       509
                    Left-sided Pr <= F          0.8374
                    Right-sided Pr >= F         0.2024
                    Table Probability (P)       0.0398
                    Two-sided Pr <= P           0.3655

                            Sample Size = 1127