One continuous predictor

[Data] Alligator Data: In a study by the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission on the foods that alligators in the wild choose to eat, 59 alligators in Lake George, Florida, were sampled and the primary food type found in the alligators stomach was recorded along with the alligator length.

[Goal] Study the relationship between the alligator length and primary food choice.


proc import datafile='..\data\alligator.csv' out=crab
dbms=csv  replace;

proc logistic;
    class food (ref="O") / param=ref;
    model food = length / link = glogit;
                          The LOGISTIC Procedure

                             Model Information

              Data Set                      WORK.CRAB        
              Response Variable             food             
              Number of Response Levels     3                
              Model                         generalized logit
              Optimization Technique        Newton-Raphson   

                  Number of Observations Read          59
                  Number of Observations Used          59

                              Response Profile
                       Ordered                  Total
                         Value     food     Frequency

                             1     F               31
                             2     I               20
                             3     O                8

          Logits modeled use food='O' as the reference category.

                         Model Convergence Status

              Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.          

                           Model Fit Statistics
                                Intercept            and
                  Criterion          Only     Covariates

                  AIC             119.142        106.341
                  SC              123.297        114.651
                  -2 Log L        115.142         98.341

                  Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0
          Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq

          Likelihood Ratio        16.8006        2         0.0002
          Score                   12.5702        2         0.0019
          Wald                     8.9360        2         0.0115

                        Type 3 Analysis of Effects
                Effect      DF    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq

                length       2        8.9360        0.0115

                 Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates
                                       Standard          Wald
Parameter    food    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq

Intercept    F        1      1.6177      1.3073        1.5314        0.2159
Intercept    I        1      5.6974      1.7938       10.0881        0.0015
length       F        1     -0.1101      0.5171        0.0453        0.8314
length       I        1     -2.4654      0.8997        7.5101        0.0061

                           Odds Ratio Estimates
                                 Point          95% Wald
            Effect    food    Estimate      Confidence Limits

            length    F          0.896       0.325       2.468
            length    I          0.085       0.015       0.496

Categorical predictors

[Data] Afterlife Data


data belief;
  input race $ gender $ belief $ count;
    white female yes       371
    white female undecided  49
    white female no         74
    white male   yes       250
    white male   undecided  45
    white male   no         71
    black female yes        64
    black female undecided   9
    black female no         15
    black male   yes        25
    black male   undecided   5
    black male   no         13

proc logistic;
    class race (ref="black") gender (ref="male") belief (ref="no") / param=ref;
    weight count;
    model belief = gender race / link = glogit aggregate scale=none;
                          The LOGISTIC Procedure

                             Model Information

              Data Set                      WORK.BELIEF      
              Response Variable             belief           
              Number of Response Levels     3                
              Weight Variable               count            
              Model                         generalized logit
              Optimization Technique        Newton-Raphson   

                  Number of Observations Read          12
                  Number of Observations Used          12
                  Sum of Weights Read                 991
                  Sum of Weights Used                 991

                             Response Profile
            Ordered                      Total            Total
              Value     belief       Frequency           Weight

                  1     no                   4        173.00000
                  2     undecide             4        108.00000
                  3     yes                  4        710.00000

         Logits modeled use belief='no' as the reference category.

                          Class Level Information
                      Class      Value      Variables

                      race       black              0
                                 white              1

                      gender     female             1
                                 male               0

                         Model Convergence Status

              Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.          

              Deviance and Pearson Goodness-of-Fit Statistics
       Criterion          Value       DF     Value/DF     Pr > ChiSq

       Deviance          0.8539        2       0.4269         0.6525
       Pearson           0.8609        2       0.4304         0.6502

                       Number of unique profiles: 4

                           Model Fit Statistics
                                Intercept            and
                  Criterion          Only     Covariates

                  AIC            1560.197       1559.453
                  SC             1561.167       1562.362
                  -2 Log L       1556.197       1547.453

                  Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0
          Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq

          Likelihood Ratio         8.7437        4         0.0678
          Score                    8.8498        4         0.0650
          Wald                     8.7818        4         0.0668

                        Type 3 Analysis of Effects
                Effect      DF    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq

                gender       2        7.2074        0.0272
                race         2        2.0824        0.3530

                 Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates
                                          Standard        Wald
Parameter         belief    DF  Estimate     Error  Chi-Square  Pr > ChiSq

Intercept         undecide   1   -0.7582    0.3614      4.4031      0.0359
Intercept         yes        1    0.8828    0.2426     13.2390      0.0003
gender    female  undecide   1    0.1051    0.2465      0.1817      0.6699
gender    female  yes        1    0.4186    0.1713      5.9737      0.0145
race      white   undecide   1    0.2712    0.3541      0.5863      0.4438
race      white   yes        1    0.3420    0.2370      2.0814      0.1491

                           Odds Ratio Estimates
                                           Point          95% Wald
   Effect                   belief      Estimate      Confidence Limits

   gender female vs male    undecide       1.111       0.685       1.801
   gender female vs male    yes            1.520       1.086       2.126
   race   white vs black    undecide       1.311       0.655       2.625
   race   white vs black    yes            1.408       0.885       2.240

Cumulative Logits



data ideology;
  input party ideology count @@; /* trailing @@ is used when one record contains multiple observations. */
    1 1 80   1 2 81   1 3 171   1 4 41   1 5 55
    0 1 30   0 2 46   0 3 148   0 4 84   0 5 99

proc logistic; 
    weight count;
    model ideology = party  / scale=none aggregate=(party);
                          The LOGISTIC Procedure

                            Model Information

              Data Set                      WORK.IDEOLOGY   
              Response Variable             ideology        
              Number of Response Levels     5               
              Weight Variable               count           
              Model                         cumulative logit
              Optimization Technique        Fisher's scoring

                  Number of Observations Read          10
                  Number of Observations Used          10
                  Sum of Weights Read                 835
                  Sum of Weights Used                 835

                             Response Profile
            Ordered                      Total            Total
              Value     ideology     Frequency           Weight

                  1            1             2        110.00000
                  2            2             2        127.00000
                  3            3             2        319.00000
                  4            4             2        125.00000
                  5            5             2        154.00000

    Probabilities modeled are cumulated over the lower Ordered Values.

                         Model Convergence Status

              Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.          

              Score Test for the Proportional Odds Assumption
                    Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq

                        3.9106        3         0.2713

              Deviance and Pearson Goodness-of-Fit Statistics
       Criterion          Value       DF     Value/DF     Pr > ChiSq

       Deviance          3.6877        3       1.2292         0.2972
       Pearson           3.6629        3       1.2210         0.3002

                       Number of unique profiles: 2

                           Model Fit Statistics
                                Intercept            and
                  Criterion          Only     Covariates

                  AIC            2541.630       2484.985
                  SC             2542.840       2486.498
                  -2 Log L       2533.630       2474.985

                  Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0
          Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq

          Likelihood Ratio        58.6451        1         <.0001
          Score                   57.2448        1         <.0001
          Wald                    57.0182        1         <.0001

                 Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates
                                    Standard          Wald
   Parameter      DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq

   Intercept 1     1     -2.4690      0.1318      350.8122        <.0001
   Intercept 2     1     -1.4745      0.1091      182.7151        <.0001
   Intercept 3     1      0.2371      0.0948        6.2497        0.0124
   Intercept 4     1      1.0695      0.1046      104.6082        <.0001
   party           1      0.9745      0.1291       57.0182        <.0001

                           Odds Ratio Estimates
                             Point          95% Wald
                Effect    Estimate      Confidence Limits

                party        2.650       2.058       3.412

       Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses

             Percent Concordant     25.0    Somers' D    0.000
             Percent Discordant     25.0    Gamma        0.000
             Percent Tied           50.0    Tau-a        0.000
             Pairs                    40    c            0.500

Categorical predictors - Overdispersion


data ideology;
  input party ideology count @@; /* trailing @@ is used when one record contains multiple observations. */
    1 1 80   1 2 81   1 3 171   1 4 41   1 5 55
    0 1 30   0 2 46   0 3 148   0 4 84   0 5 99

proc logistic; 
    weight count;
    model ideology = party  / scale=1.105 aggregate=(party);
                          The LOGISTIC Procedure

                            Model Information

              Data Set                      WORK.IDEOLOGY   
              Response Variable             ideology        
              Number of Response Levels     5               
              Weight Variable               count           
              Model                         cumulative logit
              Optimization Technique        Fisher's scoring

                  Number of Observations Read          10
                  Number of Observations Used          10
                  Sum of Weights Read                 835
                  Sum of Weights Used                 835

                             Response Profile
            Ordered                      Total            Total
              Value     ideology     Frequency           Weight

                  1            1             2        110.00000
                  2            2             2        127.00000
                  3            3             2        319.00000
                  4            4             2        125.00000
                  5            5             2        154.00000

    Probabilities modeled are cumulated over the lower Ordered Values.

                         Model Convergence Status

              Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.          

              Score Test for the Proportional Odds Assumption
                    Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq

                        3.9106        3         0.2713

              Deviance and Pearson Goodness-of-Fit Statistics
       Criterion          Value       DF     Value/DF     Pr > ChiSq

       Deviance          3.6877        3       1.2292         0.2972
       Pearson           3.6629        3       1.2210         0.3002

                       Number of unique profiles: 2

   NOTE: The covariance matrix has been multiplied by the heterogeneity 
                  factor (square of SCALE=1.105) 1.22103.

                           Model Fit Statistics
                                Intercept            and
                  Criterion          Only     Covariates

                  AIC            2083.003       2036.973
                  SC             2084.213       2038.486
                  -2 Log L       2075.003       2026.973

                  Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0
          Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq

          Likelihood Ratio        48.0294        1         <.0001
          Score                   46.8826        1         <.0001
          Wald                    46.6970        1         <.0001

                 Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates
                                    Standard          Wald
   Parameter      DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq

   Intercept 1     1     -2.4690      0.1457      287.3096        <.0001
   Intercept 2     1     -1.4745      0.1205      149.6408        <.0001
   Intercept 3     1      0.2371      0.1048        5.1184        0.0237
   Intercept 4     1      1.0695      0.1156       85.6725        <.0001
   party           1      0.9745      0.1426       46.6970        <.0001

                           Odds Ratio Estimates
                             Point          95% Wald
                Effect    Estimate      Confidence Limits

                party        2.650       2.004       3.504

       Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses

             Percent Concordant     25.0    Somers' D    0.000
             Percent Discordant     25.0    Gamma        0.000
             Percent Tied           50.0    Tau-a        0.000
             Pairs                    40    c            0.500

Adjacent-Categories Logits



data ideology;
  input party ideology count @@;
    1 1 80   1 2 81   1 3 171   1 4 41   1 5 55
    0 1 30   0 2 46   0 3 148   0 4 84   0 5 99

proc catmod; 
    weight count; 
    response alogits; 
model ideology = _response_  party;
                           The CATMOD Procedure

                               Data Summary

           Response           ideology     Response Levels    5
           Weight Variable    count        Populations        2
           Data Set           IDEOLOGY     Total Frequency  835
           Frequency Missing  0            Observations      10

                           Population Profiles
                      Sample    party    Sample Size
                          1     0                407
                          2     1                428

                            Response Profiles
                           Response    ideology
                               1       1       
                               2       2       
                               3       3       
                               4       4       
                               5       5       

                           Analysis of Variance
               Source         DF   Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq
               Intercept       1         8.84        0.0029
               _RESPONSE_      3       174.46        <.0001
               party           1        52.63        <.0001

               Residual        3         5.38        0.1459

               Analysis of Weighted Least Squares Estimates
                                  Standard        Chi-
       Parameter       Estimate      Error      Square    Pr > ChiSq
       Intercept         0.0954     0.0321        8.84        0.0029
       _RESPONSE_ 1      0.1256     0.1169        1.15        0.2827
                  2      0.8597     0.1096       61.50        <.0001
                  3     -1.0274     0.1110       85.69        <.0001
       party      0      0.2159     0.0298       52.63        <.0001

The party affiliation effect is \(\hat\beta = 0.2159\). The estimated odds that a Republicans (PARTY=0) ideology classification is in category \(j+1\) instead of \(j\) are \(\exp(\hat\beta) = 1.24\) times the estimated odds for a Democratic.