[Data] Malformation: X = Alcohol consumption (values are the assigned scores) and Y = Status (Absent/Present)


[Code and Output]

        data Malformation;
        input alcohol present $ count @@;
        0   no 17066   0 yes 48
        0.5 no 14464 0.5 yes 38
        1.5 no   788 1.5 yes  5
        4   no   126   4 yes  1
        7   no    37   7 yes  1

        proc freq data=Malformation;
        weight count;
        tables alcohol*present / trend measures cmh1;
                            The FREQ Procedure

                        Table of alcohol by present

                    alcohol     present

                    Percent  |
                    Row Pct  |
                    Col Pct  |no      |yes     |  Total
                           0 |  17066 |     48 |  17114
                             |  52.39 |   0.15 |  52.54
                             |  99.72 |   0.28 |
                             |  52.54 |  51.61 |
                         0.5 |  14464 |     38 |  14502
                             |  44.40 |   0.12 |  44.52
                             |  99.74 |   0.26 |
                             |  44.53 |  40.86 |
                         1.5 |    788 |      5 |    793
                             |   2.42 |   0.02 |   2.43
                             |  99.37 |   0.63 |
                             |   2.43 |   5.38 |
                           4 |    126 |      1 |    127
                             |   0.39 |   0.00 |   0.39
                             |  99.21 |   0.79 |
                             |   0.39 |   1.08 |
                           7 |     37 |      1 |     38
                             |   0.11 |   0.00 |   0.12
                             |  97.37 |   2.63 |
                             |   0.11 |   1.08 |
                    Total       32481       93    32574
                                99.71     0.29   100.00

                Statistics for Table of alcohol by present

          Statistic                              Value       ASE
          Gamma                                 0.0571    0.1010
          Kendall's Tau-b                       0.0032    0.0058
          Stuart's Tau-c                        0.0004    0.0006

          Somers' D C|R                         0.0003    0.0006
          Somers' D R|C                         0.0311    0.0556

          Pearson Correlation                   0.0142    0.0106
          Spearman Correlation                  0.0033    0.0059

          Lambda Asymmetric C|R                 0.0000    0.0000
          Lambda Asymmetric R|C                 0.0000    0.0000
          Lambda Symmetric                      0.0000    0.0000

          Uncertainty Coefficient C|R           0.0049    0.0048
          Uncertainty Coefficient R|C           0.0001    0.0001
          Uncertainty Coefficient Symmetric     0.0002    0.0002

                        Cochran-Armitage Trend Test
                        Statistic (Z)       -2.5632
                        One-sided Pr <  Z    0.0052
                        Two-sided Pr > |Z|   0.0104

                            Sample Size = 32574

                 Summary Statistics for alcohol by present

        Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Statistics (Based on Table Scores)
      Statistic    Alternative Hypothesis    DF       Value      Prob
          1        Nonzero Correlation        1      6.5699    0.0104

                         Total Sample Size = 32574
